Fashionable Bauhaus: BRACHMANN x Mary Katrantzou x Paul Smith


Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des Labels Brachmann,

BRACHMANN wird Objekt der ästhetischen Wissenschaft! Petra Leuschner schreibt im Aufsatz “Fashionable Bauhaus: Translating the Bauhaus Esthetics into Textile and Fashion Design” in der Zeitschrift “Textile: Cloth and Culture” über BRACHMANN als ein Label, das anders als Paul Smith oder Mary Katrantzou nicht lediglich ornamental auf die Bauhaus-Tradition des Design eingeht, sondern vielmehr eine Übertragung der Designprinzipien in die Mode anstrebt. Sie schreibt: “there is a new label from Berlin that aims to focus on the spatial aspects of Bauhaus architecture. Its name is “Brachmann,” founded in 2014 by the designers Jennifer Brachmann and Olaf Kranz. They stress the ageless beauty and clarity of Bauhaus drafts. This beauty should be transferred into clothing for men and women. Designer Jennifer Brachmann (…) wants to apply the Bauhaus principles, which she interprets as taking apart the structure of a building, to compose the elements in a new way to create fashion (Figure 5). This deconstructive method is combined with classic shapes in muted colors that have special details creating a sculptural silhouette, without close-fitting cuts. In 2019, the designers participated in the Bauhaus cen tenary exhibition at the Berlinische Galerie, hosted by the Bauhaus Archive, with a video installation. The press paid great attention to the translation of construction elements of Bauhaus architecture into the language of fashion (Neubauer and Rücker 2019; Oberwittler 2019, 14).” (Petra Leutner (2021), Fashionable Bauhaus: Translating the Bauhaus Esthetics into Textile and Fashion Design. In: Textile: Cloth and Culture. DOI:

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Credits: Fotograf Axl Jansen, Model Hitomi Higashi Vivamodels, Schuhe: Unützer.

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