von Louis Poll | Apr. 16, 2023 | Films with BRACHMANN
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des Labels BRACHMANN, auf Einladung von Frau Angelika Günther vom Deutschen Werkbund Berlin sprach unsere Designerin, Jennifer Brachmann, am 30. August 2022 bei der „speakers corner“ über Konzept und Praxis der Nachhaltigkeit beim Label...
von vinc | Feb. 21, 2019 | Films with BRACHMANN
BRACHMANN portrait in English DW EUROMAXX writes for the English community: “Timeless: Bauhaus fashion from Berlin. The Berlin-based fashion label Brachmann makes clothes for men and women inspired by the Bauhaus aesthetic. It was set up Jennifer Brachmann who...
von thies | Feb. 20, 2019 | Films with BRACHMANN
“What will the next chapter of mobility hold?” BMW writes, “The future is filled with anticipation, excitement and progression. Open the first page and join us on our journey together. Introducing the #BMW #VisioniNEXT.” It was our pleasure and...